Wednesday 11 November 2015

Research Report - Joshua Manley 9645

When researching the media product options in which I could produce there was a part of me which found the prospect of producing a film trailer rather appealing, as they don't have to actually contain a consistent plot, they can include various clips which can appear somewhat disconnected. Also film trailers can be very dramatic and full of action which I also found interesting. However, eventually I chose not to proceed with creating a film trailer. This is because want to make an emotional connection with the audience and make them connect with the characters, and a lot of trailers are just dramatic and exciting in order to attract the audience. Also I want to produce a product which has a sense of structure, plot, meaning/message and a concept. Also in regards to adverts, despite them having the potential to be very successful as they can come across mysterious to the audience and make the audience think about the matter and engages them. I feel that I prefer to provide a more direct approach, supplying the audience with a certain feel to the product rather than letting them decide the meaning behind it. I eventually chose not to advance with advertising as I felt that out of all the briefs, it was hardest to create deep, emotional and intellectual content. Adverts do create messages but they have to be very well produced to make strong connections with the audience, at least with the ideas that i have come up with.

When constructing this primary research I took into consideration the quantity of people that I should gather research from. I decided to gain 40 respondents who answered 14 questions, allowing me to produce both qualitative and quantitive data. Asking a large amount of people ensured that we got a varied response from male and females and also people from a variety of ages. I decided to gain feedback from respondents which fell between 16-25 years old the most as they are my targeted audience. It was evident that a lot of our respondents found that their favourite music genre was Indie/Alternative. This finding was very encouraging as our soundtrack comes under this genre. Due to the fact that 82% of my respondents deemed that listening to music is an immersive experience. Therefore implying that the majority of the sample believe that song itself and video work accordingly together. This cooperated with the fact that 95% of the respondents also felt that music videos enhance the overall experience, suggesting that the audio and video are equally important. Therefore I will ensure that we produce a product which compliments the audio as much as possible. Additionally I discovered that the respondents felt that a hybrid video type is more compelling with 21 votes. This was very intriguing for me as it was very helping in aiding me when deciding what type of video I shall create, as now I know what the people want. After finding that the respondents felt that a hybrid is the best music video type I felt that I had to know their opinion on what would make the best hybrid. 35/40 of the respondents felt that narrative was an important aspect of a music video and also 60% of the respondents also felt that the performance element was also important. After discovering this and taking it into account, i have decided to attempt to create a hybrid of a performance and narrative type. The fact that the most popular rating of the importance of the story line being 9/10, closely followed by 8 and 10/10, corresponds to the respondents showing a lot of preference in the narrative video type. Therefore when planning the production of my product I will ensure that the story line is interesting and entertaining as I now know that that is what the audiences are looking for.  Our feedback suggests that the sample in which I asked  felt that the location of a music video is seemingly important as no one voted for anything below 6/10. The most popular rating was 8/10 which enhances the importance of  location, therefore we will put a lot of research and planning into the location of our product. As 75% of the feedback favouring the importance of intellectual content in a music video I will ensure that when creating my product, I illustrate a meaning and purpose and also perhaps contain a message. It was a very relevant to ask the respondents how they felt towards nudity as some of our initial ideas contain explicit content, including nudity. Due to our thought that nudity could perhaps connote themes of freedom and purity, it was important to see what others thought. As the results show, the majority of the respondents stated that they felt comfortable with viewing nudity. However, due to a few people feeling uncomfortable with experiencing this we will ensure that we keep the explicit content minimal.

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