Sunday 22 November 2015

Magazine advert conventions - Joshua Manley 9645

An Magazine music album advert is mainly used to promote/sell the product (e.g the album or single track). It also promotes the artist through the use of recognisable logos and names.

General Conventions:
  • Name of Artist - This is a key selling point to the advert as the name of the artist lets the audience know who the seller is off the product. These tend to be big and bold which allow them to stand out and In doing so, people could potentially recognise the name of the artist and therefore be more interested. 
  • Album Title - This can provide and insight to the content of the album and can possible suggest certain themes and have certain connotations. Prior to the release this would be the talking point which would allow audiences to reference and speculate over the album. Album titles also tend to be bold and stand out.
  • Background Image The background image is another key attraction of the advertising. Background images tend to attract the audiences and grab their attention which will therefore cause them to read the content on the poster. So therefore the background image is vital as it is the first thing which the audiences see.
  • The Release Date - The release date is very important to the advertisement of the product. It provides the viewers with the knowledge of when they will be able to buy the product and will create a buzz and excitement in relate to the release. This ale tends to be bold which will make it clear to the audience and intrigue them. Without this the audience could perhaps lose interest. 
  • Website - A website can provide the audience with a source to potentially research and gain further information on the album/track or even the artist. This tends to be much smaller on the advert as it isn't vital information which will attract the audience,it is more or less included for proactive viewers.
  • Record Label Logo - This would provide the audience with a better understanding of the genre of the product and could associate the product with others produced by the record label.

Overall all of these aspects work together in order to attract the viewers and also to provide a slight insight to the product in regards to the content and themes.


  1. a good post showing a hierarchy of importance in terms of advertising music in magazines

  2. please tidy up the post with respect to font size,
