Monday 14 December 2015

Production Log - Joshua Manley 9645 and Kieran Panchal 9652

30/11/15 - All location scouting carried out, using location scouting sheets to organise the information and data regarding the location.

3/12/15 - Completed two digipak mock up designs, using audience feedback to gauge preference and improvements.

9/12/15 - In this lesson we began to create our storyboard which allowed us to begin to gain a better understanding and visualisation on what and when will include things in our music video. Here we stated he intended time duration of the clip as well as the shot type with any camera movement and what the shot is of.

10/12/15 - Completed a Call sheet, allowing us to have a precise structure on shoot days, ensuring maximum organisation and productivity.

13/12/15 - Carried out test shoots of performance with actor, experimenting with shot types, camera movement and slow motion.

14/12/15 - We then edited the clips together to get an idea of what type of colour grading to use as well as what rate of slow motion looks best. We preferred a blue colour scheme to gain a cold gritty mood and we also found that the slow motion in 50 frames per second looked most effective. We also continued with the development of our storyboard.

14/12/15 - We also adapted the soundtrack of our product due to the fact that the original is 9 minutes long. Here we cut out certain repeated sections in Logic Pro X and applied fades in order to make it seamless.

15/12/15 - Visited the location and primed the location by general tidying and preparation. Carried out a second test shoot where we set up the set with our purchased props. We experimented with depth of field and potential shots which we could use in regards to the actor and also different aspects of the camp.

16/12/15 - Created a site plan in order to aid logistics and practicalities of shooting on the day.

17/12/15 - Our talent Hayden Miller signed our talent release document which agrees to all of the conditions of the shoot and is willing to participate as a talent on all of our planned shoot days.

21/12/15 - Carried out shoot one and completed the first half of the narrative based content

23/12/15 - Carried out shoot two to finish the filming of the narrative content.

2/1/16 - Created a range of poster/advertisements for the production.

8/1/16 - Carried out third shoot to begin to filming of the performance aspect of the video.

9/1/16 - Began working on the first edit, using the Premiere Pro software. This was done after reviewing the footage and making decisions on which shots to include in our edit and which shots were less successful.

12/1/16 - Edited a short 'teaser trailer' highlighting some of the stand out moments from the shooting so far. This was distributed via the Facebook page to create some interest and excitement around our production.

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