Friday 18 December 2015

Drone Usage Regulation - Kieran Panchal 9652

When we film, we plan to use a Drone in order to shoot aerial images. By doing this, we will ensure to  follow the guidelines provided by the Civil Aviation Authority, as follows.

"In order to make sure UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) and manned aircraft are working in separate airspace, there are a number of limitations placed on UAV use. The rules below are subject to change by the CAA so it is worth noting that its best to check on there official website for upto date rules and regulations.

These are the main ones to keep in mind:
• The maximum altitude is 400 feet (120 metres)
• The maximum distance from the operator is 500 metres
• The minimum visibility needs to be 5 km
• UAV must be flown in line of sight of the operator
• UAVs cannot be flown at night without special permission
• Permission must be obtained from the owner of the take-off point
• UAVs cannot be flown within 50 metres of structures, vehicles or people that are not under the control of the person in charge of the aircraft. The rules are different for different weight classes unless a exemption is obtained.

It is perfectly acceptable to fly close to buildings and actors, for example, as long as permission has been obtained and the actors have been briefed about the use of the UAV. It would be highly irresponsible to fly over or near members of the public who are not aware of the purpose of the flight."

Furthermore, the drone has been registered by the owner and the permission of the actor has been obtained through the signing of the talent release document.

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