Sunday 18 October 2015

Jungle-Julia - Timed Analysis - Joshua Manley 9645

 0-17 the video begins with a slow close up tilt starting from the head from behind making its way down to the feet. From this shot the audience can identify the first character's appearance and costume and see that he is topless and wearing cargo trousers, an item round his neck and no shoes. The low key lighting contributes to the dark and gloomy mood of the video which compliments the dark industrial setting.

17- 52 here one continuous shot is used to successfully show the dance routine of the character. The camera starts at a close up of the subjects face and them begins to slowly zoom out, allowing the audience to see his whole body performing. He seems as if he is in the spot light as there are areas in the frame which are completely shadowed. The camera slightly moves to the left and a second character appears out of the shadow towards the right of the composition. He is wearing a similar outfit to the first character 

52-112. This shot begins as a close up similar to the original shot and begins to zoom out accordingly to a long shot and begins to circle them to the right slowly. This displays the two performing very well with each other and they are both in focus and both in the spotlight 

112-119. Another close up is used to show the original character performing, this shows depth of field as it blurs another character who lurks in the background. The camera then circles once again and becomes still again

119-136   Here another a longshot is used where the two characters are places to the left of the composition and a new performer is introduced in the right hand side of the frame. The camera shows them forming as a trio and then begins to zoom in focussing on the first dancer. Making him the main focus showing depth of field. Then as the camera zooms back out again 3 new performers appear from the shadows and join the group in dancing. Still the original character remains in the centre of the frame being the main focus. 

136-150 begins as a mid shot and slowly zooms out before gradually shifting to zooming back in again where the main character performs a splits and begins to go out the frame and the rest of the actors are in a horizontal line behind him. They are highlighted by their outlines through the lighting technique used.

150-202 longshot from slightly to the left of the subjects. The camera then slowly begins to circle around them to the right very smoothly

202-207 a mid shot is used here from the waiste downwards of the characters only showing their legs and feet as they perform. Some irregular camera movement is used her to follow the movement of the lead dancer

207-212 mid shot which slowly zoomes out to a longshot again to show the whole group performing 

212-251 here this continuous shot begins as a close up of the main dancer, then as the camera zooms out the other characters appear from either side of him. The camera zooms in and out several times and constantly keeps the lead dancer in focus through always being in the centre of the frame, specifically in close ups where the others are slightly blurred out.

251-306 a long shot from a low angle to follow the lead's movement as he performs low to the ground. The camera tilts and slightly zooms out when he rises again. When he does so the rest of the characters are positioned in the dark areas in the frame, allowing him to stand out further and be the focus.

306-319 a close up of a child's face is used where he winks in time with a significant Ching in the soundtrack. The camera then begins to zoom out to a longshot revealing the performers and more new unknown characters standing together as a group all looking directly at the camera. They are in a new location placed in front of a flashing background which spells the name of the artist(s). The video cuts to black when the soundtrack ends.

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