Wednesday 21 October 2015

Music Video Institutions - Joshua Manley 9645

Codal Analysis - Joshua Manley 9645

Sigur Ros - Hopelandic - Joshua Manley 9645

Sigur Rós excels at translating pure feeling into music; frontman Jónsi made up the language Vonlenska (Hopelandic in English) as “a form of gibberish vocals that fits to the music and acts as another instrument.” Vonlenska is a non-literal language, without fixed syntax, and differs from constructed languages that can be used for communication. It focuses entirely on the sounds of language; lacking grammar, meaning, and even distinct words.Somewhat similarly, artists hum future vocalisations over instrumentals; other times they scat their way through a verse. An entire song done this way escapes constricting words in favor of the mood over the literal.

Like much of the product from Sigur Rós and Jónsi, energy and spirit are conveyed through frenetic instrumentation; accompanying lyrics only add to the celestial noise. Without the specific meaning that derives from comprehensible words, listeners are free to fill in the lyrics with their own imagining. The listener is given the opportunity to interpret their own meanings of the lyrics which can then be written in the blank pages in the album booklet.

Monday 19 October 2015

Bon Iver - Holocene - Timed Analysis - Joshua Manley 9645

0-2 - The video begins with a longshot of a bedroom with the boy laying in his bed towards the left of the frame.

2-9 - close up of boy sleeping, then as he wakes up the camera tilts to follow his movement. The music fades in on the 7th second.

9-16 -  longshot of the boy getting out of the bed

16-22 - A mid shot with a downwards tilt is used to show the boy putting on his shoes

22-24 - A longshot from the same relatively low angle is used to show the boy picking up his other

24-28 -  Here another close up used which acts as an action match to the shot before of him putting on his shoe

28-32 - A tracking midshot shot is then used to follow the boy towards the right  where he picks up a jumper and then the camera tracks his movement back to the left where he was previously positioned.

32-35 - A close up positioned from behind the boy slightly to the right is used to show him putting on the jumper. As he puts it on the camera is covered and a silhouette effect is created with his shadow on the jumper.

35-38 - A longshot action match from a low angle of the boy putting on his jumper.

38-43 - A close up of boy zipping up his jumper, as he zips it up the camera tilts to follow his movement

43-48 - close up of the boys face cutting off the top of his head, slightly looking down, the first time the audience properly get to identify the boy.

48-51 - mid shot from behind the boy looking out of the window, slowly/gradually zooming outwards. Most of the boy is shadowed apart from his light outlines due to the lighting of the window.

51-54 - mid shot is once again used but from a more side on angle, displaying the boy still looking out of the window.

54- 100 - Close up of the boy as used earlier when cutting of the top of his head, this time a slight tilt is used to show the boy looking up.

100-103 - fade to a longshot once again positioned behind the boy

103-107 - close up of the boy grabbing a prop (stick) beside him.

107-115 - Action match of the boy walking with the stick from a previously used low angle long shot. He walks towards the camera, getting closer and walks past to the right

115-120 - Establishing shot of the boy walking out the front of his home from a front on angle.

120-123- Tracking shot of the boy walking from the levelled angle from the right.

123-125 - Close up of the boy's feet walking

125-127 - Returns to the previous establishing shot where this time the boy is much closer and walks past the camera.

127-133 - Extreme longshot of the boy in a new rural setting walking in the middle of the frame. The top half of the image is moving in real time whereas the bottom, alike all the other previous shots, is in slow motion

133-137 - Mid shot of the boy walking this time behind him

137-140 - Another mid shot used from a different angle to the left.

140-143 - close up of the boy's face, background is blurred

143-146 - mid shot from behind the boy who is positioned slightly to the left of the composition. In the background there is a bird flying

146-151 - close up of the boys feet walking and then the camera tilts upwards to the boys face.

151-154 - A pan/tracking shot of the boy running from a side on angle, slowly zooming out.

154-155 - mid shot from a front on angle of the boy running

155-200 - longshot of the boy, tracking his movement once again slowly zooming out following the boy exploring this rural landscape.

200-203 - A quick and short downwards tilt to show the boy walking

203-208 Extreme longshot from behind the boy showing him walking with his stick. Depth of field is show here as there is a rock in the foreground, the boy is in the middle ground and the vast landscape occupies the background. Both slow motion and real time are used the same way as before where the boy is in slow motion and the rest of the composition is in real time.

208-211 - A fade to the next shot is used of a low angle mid shot, circling the both slowly

211-213 - Another mid shot used from behind the boy from a level angle still circling him.

213-220 - Longshot of the boy walking down a slight hill towards a lake, here a slow zoom is being used.

220-228 - Mid shot behind the boy with a slight tilt as he throws stones into the lake.

228-230 - Close up action match from a high angle showing the boy picking up more stones out of the water.

230-234 - Mid shot of the boy standing up and then as he moves to the left of the frame the camera moss accordingly.

234-237 - Close/mid shot  from slightly behind the boy

237-239- close up from behind the boy focussing on his arm as he throws a stone.

239 - 247 - An action match pan is used to show the boy throwing the stone and then following it as it skims on top of the water.

247-250 - An over the shoulder shot as the camera changes from focussing on the back of the boys head to the waterfall which is in the background, showing depth of field.

250-256 - A downwards tilt is used to follow the water falling, the both is standing at the bottom of the waterfall with his bands in the air.

256-258- mid shot from a low angle behind the boy to show him looking up at the water fall which is in the background.

258-301 - close up of the boy showing depth of field again

301-304 - A close up from slightly behind the boy at a low angle to show him drinking water out of the lake.

304-309 - longshot of the boy running next to the lake dragging his stick in the water, the camera slightly pans to the left

309-310 - fade into another longshot from an angle more behind the boy of him raising his stick and smacking it into the water.

310-315 - her two quick action matches are used to show the boy smacking his stick into the water, starts which a close up from behind him and then goes to and extreme longshot where the lake and landscape can also be seen.

315-318 - A fade is used to a midshot which circles the boy from a low angle.

318-327 - A tracking/pan shot of the boy walking by the side of the lake from a side on angle.

327-333 - A longshot from behind the boy at a new location, he then disappears and then reappears further down the landscape and mountains.

333-336 - a longshot of the boy is used with a outwards zoom to show display the vast landscape.

336-339 - mid shot from behind the boy, very unsteady, following him through bushes.

339-343 - longshot from behind the boy looking out to the landscape, once again the contrast between slow motion and real time is shown.

343-344 - mid shot from bend the boy showing him running

344-348 - Still following the boy running but from a different angle and he begins to fall

348-357 - Several action matches are included in this time period to show the boy falling down the hill. As he comes to a stop the camera goes to a close up shot of him laying on the floor looking up.

357-407 - A tracking shot is used to introduce a new location where also depth of field is shown very well as there is rocks in the foreground and the boy is in the background

407-413 - A handheld shot is next used from behind the subject to make it seem that it is shot in the perspective of someone behind of the boy as it moves naturally.

413-419 - A close up reaction shot of the boy looking around at the location

419-422 - extreme longshot of the boy beginning to walk up a rocky hill, a slow pan is used.

422-427 - mid shot of the boy still walking up the hill from a front on angle focusing on his face.

427-431 -  A longshot is used to show the boy reaching the top of the hill.

431-435 - a longshot from behind the boy as he picks up a stone and tilts as he stands up. As he throws the stone out of the frame, when is suppose to fall a bird falls instead, making it seems as if the stone has transformed into a bird.

435-446- A long tracking/pan shot following the movement of the bird flying also tilting as it gets lower to the ground.

446-447- quick close up of the bird flying

447-450 - close up from behind the boy running along the beach, he is placed to the right of the frame to allow for the new setting to be seen.

450-453 - Mid shot of the bottom half of the boy showing him running from a side on angle

453-456 - Extreme longshot of the boy looking out of the beach

456-458 - close up of the boy 

458-501 - longshot of the bird flying, camera positioned beneath the bird

501-503 - reaction close up shot of the boy smiling due to the sight of the bird.

503-506 - longshot behind the boy walking up to a rock face. 

506-509 - longshot from more of a side on angle to show the boy beginning to climb up the rock face

509-512 - another longshot but from a low angle to illustrate the boy being higher up on the rock face as he climbs up

512-517 - an extreme longshot is used here to show the whole rock face in which the boy is climbing. He stands out due to his white jumper which contrasts with the dark surroundings. A slow zoom is being used here

517-519 a longshot of the boy from a low angle again showing him putting his arms up in the air. Camera is slowly zooming out 

519-522 - a shot panning the movement of the bird in the air form quite a level angle

522-529 - the same extreme longshot is used once again. This time slightly zooming out. The bird is also in the frame and the boy is near the centre of the composition 

529-531 - shot from a low angle used to show the boy lying on the black floor

531-534 - mid shot of the boy lying down but from a higher angle. The music fades out 

534-538- close up of the boy on the floor with his eyes closed and diegetic sounds can be heard. Then cuts to black.

Sunday 18 October 2015

Jungle-Julia - Timed Analysis - Joshua Manley 9645

 0-17 the video begins with a slow close up tilt starting from the head from behind making its way down to the feet. From this shot the audience can identify the first character's appearance and costume and see that he is topless and wearing cargo trousers, an item round his neck and no shoes. The low key lighting contributes to the dark and gloomy mood of the video which compliments the dark industrial setting.

17- 52 here one continuous shot is used to successfully show the dance routine of the character. The camera starts at a close up of the subjects face and them begins to slowly zoom out, allowing the audience to see his whole body performing. He seems as if he is in the spot light as there are areas in the frame which are completely shadowed. The camera slightly moves to the left and a second character appears out of the shadow towards the right of the composition. He is wearing a similar outfit to the first character 

52-112. This shot begins as a close up similar to the original shot and begins to zoom out accordingly to a long shot and begins to circle them to the right slowly. This displays the two performing very well with each other and they are both in focus and both in the spotlight 

112-119. Another close up is used to show the original character performing, this shows depth of field as it blurs another character who lurks in the background. The camera then circles once again and becomes still again

119-136   Here another a longshot is used where the two characters are places to the left of the composition and a new performer is introduced in the right hand side of the frame. The camera shows them forming as a trio and then begins to zoom in focussing on the first dancer. Making him the main focus showing depth of field. Then as the camera zooms back out again 3 new performers appear from the shadows and join the group in dancing. Still the original character remains in the centre of the frame being the main focus. 

136-150 begins as a mid shot and slowly zooms out before gradually shifting to zooming back in again where the main character performs a splits and begins to go out the frame and the rest of the actors are in a horizontal line behind him. They are highlighted by their outlines through the lighting technique used.

150-202 longshot from slightly to the left of the subjects. The camera then slowly begins to circle around them to the right very smoothly

202-207 a mid shot is used here from the waiste downwards of the characters only showing their legs and feet as they perform. Some irregular camera movement is used her to follow the movement of the lead dancer

207-212 mid shot which slowly zoomes out to a longshot again to show the whole group performing 

212-251 here this continuous shot begins as a close up of the main dancer, then as the camera zooms out the other characters appear from either side of him. The camera zooms in and out several times and constantly keeps the lead dancer in focus through always being in the centre of the frame, specifically in close ups where the others are slightly blurred out.

251-306 a long shot from a low angle to follow the lead's movement as he performs low to the ground. The camera tilts and slightly zooms out when he rises again. When he does so the rest of the characters are positioned in the dark areas in the frame, allowing him to stand out further and be the focus.

306-319 a close up of a child's face is used where he winks in time with a significant Ching in the soundtrack. The camera then begins to zoom out to a longshot revealing the performers and more new unknown characters standing together as a group all looking directly at the camera. They are in a new location placed in front of a flashing background which spells the name of the artist(s). The video cuts to black when the soundtrack ends.

Elastic heart - Times Analysis - Joshua Manley 9645

0-5 establishing long shot showing two characters dressed in dirty nude costumes in a metal cage. Slight camera movement

5-13 long shot of the male character with a relatively fast zoom, eventually creating a close up shot

13-16 same technique with the girl but starts at a mid shot and he zoom is slower. Useful when wanting to focus on the characters

16-24 same long shot from outside the cage as used before, this time the characters are moving around the perimeter of the cage looking at each other. The man eventually begins to walk over to the girl.

24-25 mid shot of the man approaching the girl

25-27 reaction shot of the girl showing an aggressive facial expression. This shot is in slow motion so therefore the facial reaction and body language of the girl is more noticeable and obvious.

27-29 mid/long shot of the man backing away, tapping his chest as if he is frightened. The camera follows his movement to the left

29-30 mid shot of the girl beginning to dance

30-32 action match in the form of a long shot from outside of the cage behind the man, the camera slightly moves to the right to follow the man still walking around the edge of the cage

32-34 a mid shot of the girl from inside the cage is used to show the girl dancing 

34-36 long shot but close up to the cage. The camera begins to move left but then shifts to move right, following the movements of he performers

36-38 an over the shoulder shot is used to focus on the girl as the man is blurred in the foreground, intensifies her aggressive body language and facial expressions

38-38 two shot of the girl charging towards the man whereas the man is backing away with his hand over his face

38-40 mid shot of the girl being aggressive moving forwards 

40-42 same two shot previously used and the camera slightly moved away towards the ends and then moves toward the right

42-44 mid shotm of the girl grabbing her throat, the camera slowly pans left to follow her movement

44-46 same mid shot used but of the man, slight tilt used to follow him lowering himself leaning on the cage

46-49 mid shot of the girl again and then the camera titles as she lowers herself to he floor and begins crawling in a abstract manner

50-53 similar shot used for the man as he also lowers himself further to the floor and starts crawling.

53-100 longshots of both characters are being used alternatively to show gem both crawling towards each other.

100-107 the camera rises as do the characters and follows their movement both left and right as the girl eventually grabs the man's arm and throughs him

107-109 same long shot used as before, action match of the man grabbing her cage after being thrown 

109-112 positioned behind the man moving left and then beginning to move right.

112-115 here a quick action match takes place to show the girl kicking the man

115-118 longshots showing the girl chasing the man once again around the perimeter of the cage

118-121 a mid shot and long shot from the same angle are used here to show the man grabbing the cage again , resulting in the girl catching him and jumping on his back.

121-123 longshot showing the man struggling with the girl on his back

123-126 a close up from a low angle is used to also show the girl on the mans back

126-127 longshot of them spinning around at the centre of the cage, the camera is moving around the edge of the cage in the same manner as the performers.

127-130 the man throws the girl of his back and blocks her attempt of a kick, causing her to pirouette

130-143- longshot/action match to show the girl spinning, the man then runs to the edge of the cage and begins climbing until he reaches the top of it where he hangs

143-145 close up from over the top of the man hanging from the cage

145-146 returns back to the longshot used, showing the girl laying on the floor. 

146-149 another long shot but only showing the man hanging and the camera slightly moves as well.

149-152 mid shot of the girl laying on the floor 

152-154 camera pans to the right in the previously used longshot where eventually the man lets go and begins to fall

154-157 action match of the man falling and begins to lay down next to the girl, longshot with a slow zoom in

157-204 two shot them laying together from quite a high angle, slowly circling them

204-209 showing the two on the flow from a different lower angle still circling them. The camera titles up wards as they both rise and focuses on the man as he offers out his hand

209-221 a couple of close up and long shots used in this time to show the girl move close to the man smelling his hand.

221-222  longshot of the man running away from the girl as she previously went to bite him

222-226 camera focussing on the girl as she becomes aggressive again, the audience can slightly seem the man running around her blurred

226-227 longshot to show the man crawling to the edge of the cage

227-231 camera tilts as the man rises

231-234 longshot from behind the man, the camera moves left as the two carry on performing exchanging attacks

234-238 mid shot from a side on angle as the man approaches the girl again and gets her on his shoulders

238-242 camera tilts and moves to follow the movement of the duo as the girl gets of the mans shoulders and falls on the floor

242-244 tracks the man from a side on angle as he crawls to the girl and picks her up

244-247 a camera tilt is used to show the next dance move very effectively as he picks her upend spins round

247-251 showing the same move but from a close angle and the camera is also circling the.m at the same time. Then follows the man as he runs away once again

251-253 mid shot of the girl taunting the man

253-255- tracks the man chasing after the girl as she escapes through the bars of the cage due to her size

255-258 close up of the man clinging on to the cage showing frustration through facial expressions and body language

258-306 long shot showing the girl remaining to taunt the man as she knows he cannot escape , the camera moves right turning the shot into a over the shoulder shot from behind the man

306-317 man continues to illustrate anger through the same close used as before, as he looks like giving up the girl enters the cage once again and the camera follows her movement

317-321 long shot showing the girl doing a handstand and landing on the man as he is crouched

321-325 camera circles and tilts as the man rises with the girls legs on his shoulders 

325-332 a mid shot and a close up from a side on angle showing the man walking with the girls legs over his shoulders, she then pulls herself up and sits on his shoulders

332-357 this is one continuous close up shot where the girl eventually makes her way into the mans arms and smacks him on the head several times, which causes him to pull different facial expressions, like what a father does with a child

257-405 a close up from a low angle is used to show the girl grabbing the mans beard and begins to lead him to the edge of the cage. The camera tracks this movement.

405-409 continues their walk to the edge of the cage from a slightly different angle 

409-434 the girl walks through but the man cannot due to his size, he loses strength and looks weak through his expressions showm through a mid shot. As he kneels down the camera tilts. At 419 the music fades out and the rest of the narrative is unassisted by sound

434-437 shows the couple struggling from a different angle 

437-456 returns to previous mid shot where the man weakens further and the girl still struggles in attempt to help him escape.

456-507 shows the same events from an angle from more behind, the shot is in slow motion which enhances the struggle and emotion the two characters suffer and eventually the video cuts to black

Friday 9 October 2015

Sigur Ros Audience - Joshua Manley 9645

Sigur Rós: Heima
Heima  is a documentary film and double DVD set about the tour around Iceland in the summer of 2006 of the band Sigur Rós. During the tour the band played two big open-air concerts at Miklatún - Reykjavík and Ásbyrgi, as well as small scale concerts at Ólafsvík, Ísafjörður, Djúpavík, Háls, Öxnadalur and Seyðisfjörður. In addition, a protest concert against the Kárahnjúkar dam was performed at Snæfellsskála. The documentary also includes footage of an acoustic concert played for family and friends at Gamla Borg, a coffee shop in the small town Borg, on 22 April 2007. The documentary premiered in Iceland at the Reykjavík International Film Festival opening day, 27 September 2007. Heima was released 5 November 2007 in two editions, one including atmospheric photos in a photobook documenting the tour. The DVD has sold 5,000 copies in Canada earning it a Gold Award under the Video Certifications. On May 27, 2011 the band released an official HD-quality version of Heima on their website, available as digital download in QuickTime format.

The graph above presents the age and gender of the respondents along side the average rating which the demographic considered Sigur Ros' documentary film out of 10. Also the amount of people who contributed from each category is shown. It is clear that both males and females are interested in this genre of music and specifically this band, however overall females are slightly more complimentary, rating on average 8.9-10 to males 8.6-10. It can also be established from this graph that the most interested age range would be from 18-44 years old. But also respondents under the age of 18 or over 45 years old are still very interested. From finding this information, I feel that the target audience could potentially be considerable broad due to the complimentary ratings from a range of age groups. I will target 18-45 year olds as they are the most interested in the band, evident through the ratings above, and also due to the fact that my product will contain nudity so I feel that it would be most appropriate to aim my product at this age range. I could also receive positive interest from other age groups as the graph demonstrates above. Despite a slightly more positive response from females which will be taken into consideration, there is no distinct difference in the responses between males and females. Therefore we will aim our product towards both males and females.

Monday 5 October 2015

Sigur Ros - Biographical Information - Joshua Manley 9645

Sigur Rós are an Icelandic Alternative/post-rock band from Reykjavík, who have been active since 1994. Known for their ethereal sound, frontman Jónsi Birgisson's falsetto vocals, and the use of bowed guitar, the band's music is also noticeable for its incorporation of classical and minimalist aesthetic elements.  The band is named after Jónsi's sister Sigurrós Elín. 

Vonlenska is the non-literal language that forms the unintelligible lyrics sung by the band on some songs, in particular by Jónsi. It is also commonly known by the English translation of its name, Hopelandic. It takes its name from "Von", a song on Sigur Rós’s debut album Von where it was first used. However, not all Sigur Rós songs are in Hopelandic; many are sung in Icelandic.

From 1997 - 2012 sigur ros have released six albums, featured in many festivals, headlined festivals, can also be heard in Skins and CSI: Miami and the British TV Documentary Protecting Our Children as well as during a section of the London 2012 summer Olympics on the BBC.Von. "Hoppípolla" was used in the trailers for the BBC's natural history series Planet Earth in 2006, as well as the closing credits for the 2006 FA Cup final, ITV's coverage of the 2006 Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, advertisements for the BBC's coverage of England games during the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

The band's fifth regular studio album "With a Buzz in Our Ears We Play Endlessly" was released in June 2008 to generally positive reviews. Stylistically different from their earlier releases, it featured fewer strings and more guitar, and had more pop-oriented songs, making it "the group's most accessible effort" while maintaining the "majestic beauty that defines the band's music." The final track "All Alright" is the band's first to be sung in English, though all the other lyrics are in Icelandic. Festival is the fifth track which features in the album and lasts a whole duration of 9:05 minutes in length. The alternative track is sung in 'Hopelandic', with bowed guitars and ambient sound being prominent for the first 4 minutes 30, when the drums are introduced and instruments build up to create a large sounding post-rock track.