Tuesday 15 September 2015

Music Video Ideas - Joshua Manley 9645

Song: Festival - Sigur Rós


  • Setting: Large, empty, industrial room/warehouse, set in a desolate (post-apocalyptic?) world
  • Character: Male, 20, ragged/dirty aesthetic, weak/skinny 
  • Mise-en-scene: Low key lighting, general gritty feel, Colour grade: tungstens/oranges
  • Props: Drum kit, cigarettes 
  • Get cleaner as he plays

General plot: 

In a desolate and empty post-apocalyptic world, a lifeless vagrant male finds himself in a large industrial warehouse - a place where he can escape from his life situation to play music. As the music begins to fade in the pace of editing will be very slow, as the character begins to explore the location/ walk into the centre of the room (drone shots)/ long slow tracking/dolly shots establishing location. 

In the centre is his drum kit, he sits down and begins to prepare himself to drum - the only thing that keeps him going. The music starts slow and he drums in time to it, getting into the swing of the build up and becoming more full of life and energetic as he drums. As the music builds up and reaches its climax, so does he, and we can see his passion for playing as he sweats and bleeds, destroying his kit and letting nothing prevent him from continuing.

Song: Collider - Jon Hopkins


  • Setting: Boxing ring/ urban street location
  • Character: Two large sweaty males, heavy make up - scarring/contact lenses/teeth grills/ piercings/ hooded
  • Mise-en-scene: Very dark, intense beam lighting
  • Props: Blood, Boxing gloves
Two large men hooded men (shadowed faces) walk into an open low-lit industrial, before entering a boxing ring together from either end. There are lots of cuts to black, and the pace of editing starts fast, with the lots of interesting extreme close up shots being shown on screen. As the music continues at a slower pace, the two meet in the middle of the ring,  looking into each others eyes and growling. As the beat kicks in, the men remove their hoods, exposing their faces and begin to fight, becoming more aggressive as the music tempo increases.

The majority of the fight scene will be in slow motion, with long circling camera movements and interesting extreme close ups being used frequently throughout, showing their worn faces in particular detail. At the end of the scene when one of the contender is knocked to the ground there will be a long zoom out from the man on the floor coming back into the darkness of the room by as far as possible.

Song: To build a home - Cinematic Orchestra 

  • Setting: Abandoned, rural, derelict building
  • Character: Young Female, scruffy, dirty white/tanned leotard
  • Mise en scene: relatively bright lighting, potentially a couple of spotlights
  • Props: bag which actress carries, ballet shoes/costume
As the video/track begins the female is introduced as being naked and vulnerable. She begins exploring the derelict area looking very timid and weak, the audience would see her feet walking and how dirty and cut they are. As the vocals are initiated in the soundtrack she comes across a room with a bag, with a dirty leotard and shoes laid on top, in the centre. She continues to investigate the bag and eventually puts on the leotard and shoes. As the beat and vocals kick in more she begins to dance and show signs of confidence. As the track progresses she gets more and more confident and eventually performs to her best ability. The message of the video would be that without the leotard the girl appears very vulnerable and timid whereas with it, she is confident and powerful, illustrating the importance of music and ballet in her life as for her it is a form of escapism.

At the start of the video the camera will focus only on the girls head-shoulders and also her feet. However as the video progresses full body shots will be used to show her performance as well as some continuous shots. The camera would also follow her movements considerably low to the ground and also move in a circular motion around her. As the performance comes to a close the pace of the editing does accordingly and she slows down and comes to a halt. She is exhausted and gradually undresses and begins to leave premises.

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