Wednesday 16 September 2015

Advertising Video Ideas - Joshua Manley 9645

Energy drink 
In this advert I would use a GoPro and attach it to various parts of the actors body whilst performing various sports. It would begin with the actor drinking the drink and getting the energy to do sports. The advert would need to seem continuous and have smooth transitions between changing of sports. For example, the actor would be playing football and the ball goes out for a throw in, they then bend over and pick up the ball and as they stand up they are taking a line out whilst playing rugby. Then the next transition could be the actor diving to score a try and then finds themselves diving into a swimming pool. Other than GoPro shots, also a lot of short/quick shots and close ups would be used to increase the pass of the advert. It would end with the actor drinking the energy drink.

For a food advert I would use a lot of close ups and extreme close ups of food being sliced, diced, grated, chopped, boiled, cooked etc. showing the eventual process making of a meal. I would also speed a lot of the shots up and also slowing a lot of footage down. I would also attempt to get a lot of unique shots inspired by other adverts such as putting a GoPro in a cheese grater and also in bubbling water. The advert would end with a normal speed shot of the final product of the cooking with a hand adding the last few touches to it.

Health and Hygiene
In this advert I would constantly video a pair of hands showing what they do and touch throughout the course of the day, following them as the get local transport, go to work, eat and do activities. I would mostly use a GoPro to do this, speeding up it up she the hands aren't doing anything but slowing it down when they touch something convenient to the message of the video which is to always clean your hands. I could potentially use a voice over talking about people not realising what they touch throughout the day and the importance of cleaning their hands.
This would be similar to a chewing gum advert she they show what your mouth goes through throughout a day.

Why I discounted these Ideas
Despite adverts having the potential to be very successful as they can come across mysterious to the audience and make the audience think about the matter and engages them. I feel that I prefer to provide a more direct approach, supplying the audience with a certain feel to the product rather than letting them decide the meaning behind it.
I eventually chose not to advance with advertising as I felt that out of all the briefs, it was hardest to create deep, emotional and intellectual content. Adverts do create messages but they have to be very well produced to make strong connections with the audience, at least with the ideas that i have come up with.

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